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Tuesday, 14 April 2020 16:18

Baristi vs Lockdown: 7 things we loved these days!

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Baristi vs Lockdown: 7 things we loved these days! Spotify

by Brewls team


For about a month now, we have been experiencing a situation for which we might not have been prepared! A pandemic that started from China without knowing how and how much it will expand. 


A characteristic feature of a situation that is experienced on a global level and with the means of networking to accompany us perfectly ,is that we all become a big hug.


So the large and passionate community of baristi has found a lot of ways to spend and be creative on these difficult days of quarantine.


7 things we loved these days...


1.Competition photo challenge @instagram

How much do we love to remember moments of the past that have filled us with unique emotions ?! Those who have been on the stage of the coffee championships, know and can confirm it. Nothing compares to the feeling of 10-15 minutes you go up on stage to present the preparation of months hidden behind. Instagram has been flooded for several days with friends challenging each other to post their own unique moment on stage.



                                                                  credits to



2.Live videos


When everyday life runs there is no time to do many things that fill us.Several renowned people of the global coffee scene ,took the initiative and made live broadcasts on social media, showing and explaining ways to make coffee at home with home barista equipment, but also more creative without basic equipment ,with things that every kitchen has.


3.Live courses


The knowledge is to be shared. It is amazing that many professionals from all over the world wanted to help, each one in his own way, providing free online courses to coffee lovers, who otherwise would have to travel to attend from their country.Quite often,this is difficult due to our work,  the high cost or the limited availability


4.Social barista communities

A good team always win! A collective effort has to give a more resounding message to our society. These days we loved two online communities 'i am not a barista' that shares barista stories from around the world and has launched a campaign of roasters and coffee shops in European and American countries ensuring better prices for its members.Also, we loved the 'quarantine coffee club' where baristi share creative, funny and delicious coffee experiences.


5.Delivery boys

We always appreciated delivery boys for their effort when we are tired to cook and too hungry. These days they have become an integral part of our daily lives, because we all wanted the coffee of ours favorite coffee shop at home.


courier delivery man protective mask medical gloves delivers takeaway food coffee 120485 4322

                                                                   credits to

6. Donations

We love coffee, but we love more human’s life. Ιt is worth saying that several coffee companies have donated medical equipment,helping to fight the virus.

On the other hand for those of us who work in the coffee industry ,know that a good coffee can make better ,a difficult day for you.

Several companies have taken the initiative to provide coffee and coffee equipment to clinics and hospitals, showing support to medical and nursing staff who are going through the most difficult times on the front lines of the battle with the virus.


7. Bread

What? Let's officially admit it! We ate a little more these days ..

We cooked a lot, we cooked creatively and we went one step further our knowledge on roasting. :)

We tried our talent in making bread. We saw many successful attempts testing how crispy our bread is, in any case if something is not going well in our career, there is an alternative way. Learn art and work… 


And one thing we loved to hate these days...


An actor from Korea (Jung Il-woo) brought it back into fashion via a youtube video and became viral.

Lets see how you can prepare a dalgona coffee:

You need:

2 tsp instant coffee

2 tsp sugar


ice cubes

Put the coffee and sugar in a glass. Add a little hot water and stir until you make foam. Then we take another glass, put ice cubes and fill 2/3 of
it with milk. Finally, pour over the foam we have prepared.

dalgona coffee done done 4 done darker credits to



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