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Thursday, 28 June 2018 06:02

Meeting Agnieszka,the World Barista Champion of 2018!

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Meeting Agnieszka,the World Barista Champion of 2018! CREDITS TO ANNA SOKOLOVA
by Brewls Team


Οnly a few days have passed from the moment that we all heared the name of our new World Barista Championship at the World of Coffee in Amsterdam.We met Agnieszka Rojewska from Poland ,the World Barista Championship for 2018, this smiley and so talented barista for a quick game of 9 questions.

Do you want to learn more about her?

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                                                              CREDITS TO ANNA SOKOLOVA

1. Brewls: Agnieszka in 5 words

A.R. :Introvert girl that makes coffee

2.Brewls: Have you ever participated again in competition?

A.R. : Actually,it was my third time in WBC, probably last!

3.Brewls: What is the funniest thing that you remember from your ''road to Amsterdam'' ?

A.R. :The first training, when I forgot to put thumbler to grinder and ground coffee all over the table - you can see a video on instagram

4.Brewls: What is this ,that you going to miss from your routines?

A.R. : I loved almost all of it ... so i will miss it all :)

5.Brewls: How important is to have a team helping you in your preparation period?

A.R. : Crucial!!!! They are 75% of my success.

6.Brewls: How was your days until competition?

A.R. :Very busy, training everyday, repeat, repeat all over for 9 hours

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                                                                       CREDITS TO ANNA SOKOLOVA

7.Brewls: Everyone talks about the first Woman World Barista Champion.How do you feel about this title?

A.R. :I feel that it is a big responsibility now .

8.Brewls: Your plans for the future?How will you take advantage of your title?

A.R. : Oh ... I have no idea what future will bring.

9.Brewls: Your advices for the next competitors?

A.R. : Be yourself, be patient, dont give up!

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